Friday, November 20, 2009

five months later.

Remember that time when I created a blog and only posted twice in five months? Yeah, I should have warned you guys that I’m not the best at blogs, journals, etc. So, I’ll inform you now, in case you couldn’t tell, I am terrible at updating my blog. I will try my best to work on that though. Well, since my last blog post, I have been to Guatemala, spent two months training in Richmond, and moved to India. Oh and I’ve been in India for almost seven weeks. So, I agree; this blog post is a little overdue. Over the past five months, the Father has taught me so incredibly much. He has been molding and refining and pruning, and He totally has His work cut out for Him. I have had some amazing experiences and some amazing time in the Word, and hopefully, I can share at least some of that within the next few days. I am currently in Delhi but will be moving to Mumbai next week. I have been living with an Indian family for the past four weeks. That has been a challenge of its own, but I’ll go into more detail later…I’m sure. I’m out of my homestay and doing a week of language lessons with a language helper whom I thoroughly enjoy. I should have pretty consistent internet from here on out, so maybe these posts will become more frequent. That’s the goal. Hold me to it. ;)

1 comment:

Jamey Lynne said...

Now I see why some of my friends and family from home complain when I take a while to update! I'm so intrigued to hear about your journey, and I hope you will continue to share! :)